(-: Meaning in Chat or Text Messages Online

(-: Meaning in Chat or Text Messages Online

This guide about (-: meaning in chat or text messages online is all you need to get a clear picture.

Without wasting your time, let's dive straight into explaining what it means.

What Does This Mean in Texting?

(-:Left-handed smile or smiley from the Southern hemisphere
The input "(-:" is an internet slang often used in chat or conversations to represent a left-handed smile or a smiley from the Southern hemisphere. This emoticon is created by using a hyphen, followed by a colon, and an open parenthesis, which forms a mirror image of the standard smiley face.

For instance, if someone says "I finally finished that project (-:," it means that they are happy and proud of themselves for completing a task. Another example is "It's a beautiful day today (-:" which indicates that the speaker is enjoying the great weather and probably feels good.

Muhammad Azeem

Job Title: Author


Address: 1169 Short Street, Austin, TX, 78723, USA